
Dakasi: Taiwan's Fresh Tea Drinks

by - June 27, 2014

Dakasi's "Big Cast" Fresh Tea Drinks from Taiwan since 1990 now here in the Philippines and continouosly spreading across southeast asia.

Dakasi's Store Counter which offers different variety of drinks from hot to cold drink, specialty drinks,  specialty milk tea, matcha tea, ice tea, iced drinks, smoothies, fresh tea, fruity youghurt drinks and yakult+tea plus add-ons of pearls, red bean, cooconut jelly, grass jelly, chocolate pudding and egg pudding.

That's a really Big Cast of drinks!

If you want to stay while drinking you teas , they have their small area inside and outside the store with the signature logo of a big star.

My sister and I tried their Special Milk Teas

 Blueberry Milk Tea with an add-ons of Pudding and Pearls
the mixture of sweetness and sourness blend together added by its creamy taste and crunch of pearls which make it a good drink.
Regular: Php 90.00
Large: Php 100.00

Oreo Milk Tea with Pudding
the drink was really delicious, giving its sweet aroma. Bits of oreo floating in your drink give additional yumminess and munch to the drink
Regular: Php 90.00
Large: Php 100.00

Pearls: Php 10.00
Chocolate Pudding: Php 15.00
Red Bean: Php 15.00
Grass Jelly: Php 15.00
Coconut Jelly: Php 15.00
Egg Pudding: Php 25.00

So what's your drink?
For more information regarding Dakasi click HERE

Location: Ground Floor, Market! Market!
Budget: Php 80.00 - 130.00

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